Community Health

Community Health

RAC always gives priority to community health as our state is lagging behind in this sector. Health of beneficiaries is of primary importance since rural tribal people are having poor health indicators. Lack of sufficient quantity of potable water, poor health practices, unhygienic living conditions contribute to poor health particularly in rural areas and tribal sectors. This affects their need based earning capacity and lowers their socio-economic status. It was both a privilege and challenge for us to uplift community health. Here awareness is the key-word as we give importance to raise awareness levels regarding health and sanitation. Sensitization programmes were organized and messages were directed through folk media, video programme and street play.

The community was motivated to collect drinking water from safe sources and store the same hygienically. Cleanliness of surroundings and use of mosquito-nets was encouraged to counter malaria. People were taught to dispose garbage properly and prevent accumulation of stagnant water.

Pregnant women were educated on proper check-up and nutrition. There was arrangement for pick-up of pregnant ladies for safe delivery. Health camps were organised in order to counter epidemics and illness of people. Free medicines were distributed and expert advice was given. The model village Ramthenga in Jajpur district ran a homeopathic dispensary throughout the project period of three years. A large number of patients were benefited by this programme.

Community Health
Community Health